the black sheep- a story about how to conquer racism
Once upon a time in the world there was a lonely black sheep he had no friends and his parents were addictive to tobaco plant, they didnt give him the love and happiness a child need, they never told him when he did something positive they were to busy eating on the tobaco plants!!
The white sheeps had learn from their parents that black sheeps were dangerous they generelized all the black sheeps and made them live in small areas of grass mostly in the tobaco plants territory
One day the black sheep , Albert is his name..(yes he has a name he is just not a black sheep) he is a sheep beeing=) he decided to conquer his greates fear to walk into the land of the white sheeps..
Then after meeting lots of hostile sheeps, on a green field filled with flowers and sunshine he saw a white sheep, he saw happines.
This white sheep was a creative positive and happy sheep..her name was Mayonella..she had been filled with all the judgement from her family all the gossips about dangerous black sheeps but she didnt let her get effected.
She ran upp to him..Bäää My name is Majonella=) what is youre name?
Albert was abit surprised first he was like ..buurhuur..hello my name is Albert:D
They conversated for hours they found out alot about each other they found happines love ..the conquered fear together ..they became inspiration for others to see that the biggest things that creates racism is fear and judgement of the unknown..
They had a big Family with many beautiful colours..they were happy they inspired black sheeps to freedom they inspired white sheeps to free thinking not judging and to overcome the fear that their parents and forefathers had build up on them ..
The world were never the same again..the world had became a better place=)
peace and love from Linus
The white sheeps had learn from their parents that black sheeps were dangerous they generelized all the black sheeps and made them live in small areas of grass mostly in the tobaco plants territory
One day the black sheep , Albert is his name..(yes he has a name he is just not a black sheep) he is a sheep beeing=) he decided to conquer his greates fear to walk into the land of the white sheeps..
Then after meeting lots of hostile sheeps, on a green field filled with flowers and sunshine he saw a white sheep, he saw happines.
This white sheep was a creative positive and happy sheep..her name was Mayonella..she had been filled with all the judgement from her family all the gossips about dangerous black sheeps but she didnt let her get effected.
She ran upp to him..Bäää My name is Majonella=) what is youre name?
Albert was abit surprised first he was like ..buurhuur..hello my name is Albert:D
They conversated for hours they found out alot about each other they found happines love ..the conquered fear together ..they became inspiration for others to see that the biggest things that creates racism is fear and judgement of the unknown..
They had a big Family with many beautiful colours..they were happy they inspired black sheeps to freedom they inspired white sheeps to free thinking not judging and to overcome the fear that their parents and forefathers had build up on them ..
The world were never the same again..the world had became a better place=)
peace and love from Linus
Postat av: Ida
Vilken fin och vacker historia! Kram/Ida
Postat av: Linus
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peace and love